🥇 Going For Newsletter Gold

23+ Simple Tactics To Make Your Newsletter A Winner

In partnership with

đź‘‹ Welcome

If you’re like me, you’ve been watching the Olympics coverage at all times of the day and night, and that viewing led to an inspiration for this very issue.

While watching the mixed triathlon event, I was astounded that the difference between winning the gold medal vs. the silver and bronze medals (which were tied) was merely one hundredth of a second for a race that took 85 minutes overall. That’s a great reminder that with so many things, including newsletters, victory can be determined by the slightest and simplest of factors.

With that in mind, this issue is filled with simple tips, new platform features, avoidable pitfalls and easy to understand lessons from other newsletter creators that can be brought to bear for the success of your newsletter. Your mileage may vary, but success with these tactics is easily within your grasp.

I’m pleased to once again thank our sponsor HubSpot for their support in keeping this newsletter free. HubSpot has creatively integrated AI capabilities into its suite of marketing tools that are worth a look by all newsletter creators.

There are 2 ways for you to win in this very issue:

  • Hit reply and tell me your greatest newsletter challenge to be entered into our current contest for a chance to win one of three $50 Amazon gift cards. Check out the Just For Fun section for more details.

  • Use your referral link at the bottom of this issue to refer subscribers to this newsletter and qualify to win these rewards:

    • Newsletter Shoutout (3 entries)

    • Copy of The Newsletter Is The Business (25 entries)

    • Newsletter Business T-Shirt (50 entries)

    • 60 Minute Coaching Session (100 entries)

Please reply with thoughts on this week’s issue or reach out to @NewsletterBus on X/Twitter or connect/follow on LinkedIn.

Enjoy and see you next issue!

Fred (Connect With Me At: LinkedIn | X/Twitter )

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đź“° Industry Roundup

Does An AI-Powered Newsletter Have Any Moat?: Trending Now has crafted a network of newsletters that deliver aggregated news to an audience of 1 million subscribers. That’s impressive by any means, but they have achieved that without a single journalist or editor, relying entirely on AI. This use of AI is a tactic that many newsletters would like to copy, but is it actually a dead end… Read

Kit / ConvertKit - Editing A Scheduled Post: We’ve all done this - scheduled a post and then realized we wanted to make a last minute change before publication. Depending on what platform you are on, this simple need can require some hoop jumping at best or cursing the inability to do so at worst. Even Kit required you to unschedule that post before editing, until now… Read

Substack - Prediction Market Embeds: Substack has introduced the ability to embed Polymarket’s prediction markets as a widget. These widgets predict the probability of a certain outcome and allow users to bet on them. While this can be alluring content, the more interesting point is why engineering resources are being used on a feature like this as the newsletter platform wars heat up. The comments of Substack users on this post suggest this wasn’t their #1 requested feature… Read

Sample Polymarket Widget

beehiiv - Audio Newsletters: Hot on the heels of its newsletter mobile app release, beehiiv has now introduced the ability to have an audio version of your newsletter. An audio player will be displayed atop the web and mobile app versions of those newsletters that publish after enabling the feature. Newsletter Business has enabled this feature starting with this issue.… Read

Featured Partner

🎓 Email-Based Courses Educate, Entertain & Convert

Smart Newsletter Operators Play To Their Email Strengths

Your subscribers know, like and trust you.

They also expect to hear from you via email.

Why not share your knowledge with them in a focused way via a channel they like and that offers you a new revenue stream.

Email-based courses are:

  • Typically free or low-cost info products or lead magnets

  • Delivered on auto-pilot via email over 5+ days

  • Valued-packed with an impactful learning experience

  • In a digestible format (~500-800 words per day)

  • Much easier to produce than video or live courses

  • Offered with a CTA that feels anything but sales-y

Master The Email-Based Course will show you how to develop your own email-based course over just 20 emails, using the same proven blueprint used by 850 happy customers to grow their revenue and business.

Newsletter Business subscribers get 30% off with code MEBC30 - and a 30-day money-back guarantee!

⚒️ Letter Ops

5 Simple Tweaks To Optimize Your Newsletter: Victory comes from little things that stack up over the long haul, and these 5 tweaks are a good reminder of the simple optimizations relevant for every newsletter. When’s the last time you checked your welcome email… Read

CASE STUDY: 10 Lessons Learned Building Lenny’s Newsletter: Lenny Rachitsky shared 10 lessons that he learned on his path to 500,000 newsletter subscribers, and he has since grown to over 700,000 subscribers using the same tactics. You don’t need to be a newsletter Olympian to apply these simple lessons, but that which is simple is not always easy… Read

What You Need To Know About Email Deliverability: Great email deliverability is a foundation for success in 2024, and not something you can just delegate to a platform. This simple guide will explain this topic in a way that makes sense to even non-technical newsletter creators… Read

8 Proven Subject Lines At a Glance: Assuming that your email gets delivered, the next major obstacle is getting it opened. Having a great subject line is your key to achieving that, and this simple reference card for subject lines will make it easier than ever before… Read

đź“° Classifieds

The 16-Word Sales Letter - Are you a master copywriter? Most of us aren’t, and the best way to learn is from a master. Evaldo Albuquerque’s proven but simple copywriting system has generated over $120 million in online sales and is applicable to any niche. Up Your Copy Game

The Newsletter Is The Business (TINTB) - All you need to know about launching, monetizing and selling editorial newsletters. Get smart fast

Megahit - Need sponsors? Find sponsorship leads among your newsletter subscribers using LinkedIn data enrichment. Find sponsors

🎉 Just For Fun

Final Week: Share Your Greatest Newsletter Challenge For A Chance To Win One Of Three $50 Amazon Gift Cards

The Newsletter Challenge Contest continues, but only for 1 more week: Simply hit reply and tell me your most pressing newsletter challenge. 

There’s no right answer, just the one challenge that concerns you most - and that challenge may earn you $50!

3 Lucky Respondents Will Be Randomly Selected To Each Win A $50 Amazon Gift Card!

Looking to reach 4500+ newsletter operators?

Disclaimer: Not financial or business advice. This newsletter is strictly for information and education purposes and may contain affiliate links or sponsored content from a variety of partners to keep this newsletter free of charge.

Newsletter Business is published by Digiventures Media Group LLC.