🍾 32 Surefire Ways To Make Your Open Rate Pop

Killer Subject Lines, Managing Your Engaged List + A Contest

đź‘‹ Welcome

Your newsletter fortunes depend on getting your email opened, so this issue will share the latest open rate optimization research and advice. In addition to a review of Q2 open rates, 18 strategies and tactics are shared for boosting your open rates. Your open rates will soar if you embrace the 14 tips for split testing subject lines and subscriber management best practices and case study.

If you’re looking to earn an easy $50, check out the Just For Fun section for our first Newsletter Business contest!

I’m pleased to welcome back sponsor AdQuick, which seamlessly connects advertisers to out-of-home (OOH) media owners anywhere in the U.S. and abroad, making it easy to plan, buy, and measure every kind of outdoor advertising (such as billboards). Complementing newsletters with offline media is a smart strategy for every marketer.

Please reply with thoughts on this week’s issue or reach out to @NewsletterBus on X/Twitter or connect/follow on LinkedIn.

Enjoy and see you next issue!

Fred (Connect With Me At: LinkedIn | X/Twitter )

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Run IRL ads as easily as PPC

AdQuick unlocks the benefits of Out Of Home (OOH) advertising in a way no one else has. Approaching the problem with eyes to performance, created for marketers with the engineering excellence you’ve come to expect for the internet.

Marketers agree OOH is one of the best ways for building brand awareness, reaching new customers, and reinforcing your brand message. It’s just been difficult to scale. But with AdQuick, you can plan, deploy and measure campaigns as easily as digital ads, making them a no-brainer to add to your team’s toolbox.

You can learn more at AdQuick.com

đź“° Industry Roundup

Q2 2024 Newsletter Open Rates: Omeda’s latest Email Engagement Report has been updated to provide Q2 email engagement rates. Based on their data sample of Omeda clients, the average unique newsletter open rate is 31.15%, representing a slight dip from Q1 which could be seasonal with the onset of summer. The average total newsletter open rate sits at 45.62%. A large historical spike in both metrics can be seen in Q3-Q4 2021, which is when Apple Mail Privacy Protection was launched and caused email tracking images to be auto-loaded.

The unique open metric counts the first open from a distinct subscriber and is helpful for deliverability and engagement, whereas total newsletter opens represents additional opens from that individual or those they forward the newsletter to and is useful to gauge recurring interest. Confirm which context your ESP platform’s open metric represents; for example, beehiiv’s open rate stat reflects unique open rate. Check out the rest of the report and play with the interactive engagement metrics… Read

10 Easy Tweaks To Boost Your Open Rate: Tracking your newsletter’s open rate is important, but you need to understand what it represents as well as how to improve it. Improving open rate is easier said than done, so these 10 tweaks will give you a great head start… Read

8 Strategies To Beat An Average Open Rate: There are more than 10 tricks to improve your open rate as noted above, and many perspectives on which strategies work best. Here are 8 more strategies to consider; the only right answers are those that resonate with your audience once you take action… Read

Newsletters Are Favored Channel Of Independent Publishers: It may not be a surprise to readers of this newsletter that the newsletter channel is the top dog with independent publishers, but the degree of dominance as well as which channel is #2 are important for newsletter operators to appreciate… Read

beehiiv Introduces Newsletter Mobile Apps: A new feature just launched this morning gives every newsletter on the platform its own branded iOS / Android mobile app for subscribers to install. The app comes fully equipped with real-time push notifications for subscribers to receive opt-in notifications for new published posts and replies to their comments. Subscribers who install your app will be automatically logged in, and all page views and clicks will be tracked as Web Engagement. The app must first be enabled in Design settings … Read

Featured Partner

🎓 Email-Based Courses Educate, Entertain & Convert

Smart Newsletter Operators Play To Their Email Strengths

Your subscribers know, like and trust you.

They also expect to hear from you via email.

Why not share your knowledge with them in a focused way via a channel they like and that offers you a new revenue stream.

Email-based courses are:

  • Typically free or low-cost info products or lead magnets

  • Delivered on auto-pilot via email over 5+ days

  • Valued-packed with an impactful learning experience

  • In a digestible format (~500-800 words per day)

  • Much easier to produce than video or live courses

  • Offered with a CTA that feels anything but sales-y

Master The Email-Based Course will show you how to develop your own email-based course over just 20 emails, using the same proven blueprint used by 850 happy customers to grow their revenue and business.

Newsletter Business subscribers get 30% off with code MEBC30 - and a 30-day money-back guarantee!

⚒️ Letter Ops

14 Subject Line Split Tests To Make Your Open Rate Skyrocket: Compelling subject lines get emails opened, but the best ones are the result of A/B split testing to see what works best with your audience. Here are 14 data-backed split tests to inspire your subject line experiments… Read

Do Newsletter Domain Names Impact Deliverability?: One of the best tactics to control your newsletter deliverability is to send it from a custom domain that has been properly warmed up with ISPs and your audience. While that’s a worthwhile effort, does the domain name itself matter in the equation? The answer is yes, particularly with lesser known domain extensions… Read

Prune Your List & Let Your Open Rate Bloom: A surefire method to improve your open rate is to remove those subscribers that don’t engage from your list. This process must be employed very intentionally however to not alienate legitimate subscribers, and so the creation of a Sunset Policy can help… Read

CASE STUDY - Automation Keeps Sunday Sales Delight’s List Fresh: A fresh list of active, engaged subscribers does wonders for deliverability, but most newsletter operators are not as aggressive or disciplined in pruning their lists as they should be. The newsletter Sunday Sales Delight has used 2 simple automations to identify subscribers who are not engaged and re-engage or prune them on auto-pilot. Using this process, they have reduced their original list by 75% but are laser-focused on the engaged remainder… Read

đź“° Classifieds

The 16-Word Sales Letter - Are you a master copywriter? Most of us aren’t, and the best way to learn is from a master. Evaldo Albuquerque’s proven but simple copywriting system has generated over $120 million in online sales and is applicable to any niche. Up Your Copy Game

The Newsletter Is The Business (TINTB) - All you need to know about launching, monetizing and selling editorial newsletters. Get smart fast

Megahit - Need sponsors? Find sponsorship leads among your newsletter subscribers using LinkedIn data enrichment. Find sponsors

🎉 Just For Fun

Contest: What’s Your Greatest Newsletter Challenge?

We newsletter operators deal with a lot of challenges, so I won’t make this contest one of them: Simply hit reply and tell me your most pressing newsletter challenge. 

There’s no right answer, just the one challenge that concerns you most - and that challenge may earn you $50!

3 Lucky Respondents Will Be Randomly Selected To Each Win A $50 Amazon Gift Card!

Looking to reach 4500+ newsletter operators?

Disclaimer: Not financial or business advice. This newsletter is strictly for information and education purposes and may contain affiliate links or sponsored content from a variety of partners to keep this newsletter free of charge.

Newsletter Business is published by Digiventures Media Group LLC.